(POLL) Most say they will ignore CDC’s advice to get the new Covid-19 booster shot

The new Covid booster shot is now available, but 97% have no plans to get it.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 1,058 people at SharylAttkisson.com.

Only 2% of respondents said they will get the new Covid booster.

CDC recommends that everyone aged 5 years and older get one dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness from Covid-19.

The Covid vaccines have been proven to be highly ineffective and come with serious risks. Most scientists say natural immunity from prior infection is far superior to the vaccines, so far.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

Poll Question: The new Covid booster is out! I will ________.

2% Get it!

97% Ignore it!

1% I’m not sure what I’ll do

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6 thoughts on “(POLL) Most say they will ignore CDC’s advice to get the new Covid-19 booster shot”

  1. Watch out for annual flu shots now too.

    They have also now gone mRNA, the same unproven delivery system for the “covid shots. None dare call them vaccines, please..

  2. Yup.
    In Italy, the pharmacist this morning told a friend there is an outbreak of Herpes Zoster amongst people who recently received the vaccine, my friend included since that’s why she was there.

  3. How can we trust the CDC at this point? When they publish studies saying one thing and give guidance (that’s much easier to find) that contradicts the study’s findings! The Press, as a whole, shares much of the blame as their superficial investigations make them appear much like hand puppets to the ventriloquist Government Agency they’re reporting on. Thank you Sharyl for being a leader. Keep doing what you’re doing and others will be inspired to go the extra mile.

  4. Polls at Sheryl’s website are not accurate per the general populous. Why? Well, it’s like if CNN had a poll on their website. Only CNN politically aligned folks are going to take the poll, as opposite politically aligned folks don’t even go to their site, by and large. I think poll taking at any politically leaning left or right won’t be accurate. It’s a good indication of where politically aligned folks stand, but certainly not a cross section of the general population.

    1. You make a good point but what makes you think Sharyl’s audience does not include folks from all political persuasions? If only those agreeing with Ms Attkisson take polls on her site, that figure would probably be 100% hell NO on the jabs.
      A better poll might be to ask the reasoning for taking or not taking the jab.

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